Transfer of a Liquor License – Gauteng



Application prepared by …………………………………………………………

Postal address………………………………………………………

Telephone No………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Transfer of Liquor License
Transfer of Liquor License

Liquor License Price and Step by Step Liquor License Application Procedure Guide


INFORMATION RELATING TO THE APPLICANT WHO IS A LICENSEE                                                                                          

1.Full names of applicant …………………………………………………

  1. If applicant is not a natural person, state the name, identity number and address of each shareholder, member, partner or beneficiary. (Use annexure)

3.Under what name is the license business conducted? ………………………………..

  1. (a) Describe the situation of the premises where the licensed business is conducted with reference to erf, street and or farm number……………………………………………..

(b) in which district is the premises referred to is subparagraph (a) situated?……………………………………………………………………………………………………

I declare or truly affirm that the information furnished in this application is true.

………………………                                  ………………………………………………….

Date                                                      Signature of applicant or an authorized person

I certify that this declaration has been signed and sworn to or affirmed before me at …………………………………..this ……… of………………………………………….by the applicant

or an authorized person who acknowledged that-

(i) he or she knows and understands the contents of this declaration;

(ii) he or she has no objection to taking the prescribed oath or affirmation; and

(iii) he or she considers the prescribed oath or affirmation to be binding on his or

her conscience, and that he or she uttered the following words:

“I swear that the contents of this declaration are true, so help met God” or “I truly affirm that the contents of this declaration are true”.


Commissioner of Oaths

Full names …………………………………………………………………………

Business address……………………………………………………………………


Area for which appointment is held…………………………………………………

Office held if appointment is ex officio………………………………………………



Download Form 5 for Transfer of Liquor License Application HERE.


  1. (a) Full names of a prospective holder ……………………………………………………………..


(c) Identity number or in the case of a company or close corporation it’s registration number………………………………………………………………

(d)Residential address or address of registered office……………………………

(e)Business address…………………………………………………………………….

(f)Postal address……………………………..……………………………………………

(g)Business telephone number…………………………………………………

(h)Email address………………………………………………………………

(Delete (b) if applicant is not a natural person]

  1. If a prospective holder is not a natural person, state the name, identity number and address of each shareholder, member, partner or beneficiary. (Use annexure)
  2. (a) Is a prospective holder a person who-

(i) has in the Republic or elsewhere in the preceding 10 years been sentenced?

for any offense to imprisonment without the option of a fine?


(ii) has in the preceding 5 years been convicted of an offense in terms of the Gauteng Liquor Act, 2003 (Act No. 2 of 2003) or the Liquor Act, 1989 (Act No.

27 of 1989) sentenced to a fine of not less than R200 or to imprisonment without the option of a fine or to both imprisonment and fine?


(iii) is not domiciled in the Republic?


(iv) is an unrehabilitated insolvent?


(v) is a minor?


(vi) is the spouse of a person contemplated in subparagraph (i), (ii) or (iv)?


(Mark the applicable box)

  1. (a) State the name, identity number and address of each person-

(i) who, including the prospective holder of the license, has any financial interest in the business to which the license relates; and

(ii) who, including the prospective holder will have such interest if application is granted, and in each case, the nature and extent of such interest. [In the case of a public company, statutory institution or a co-operative as contemplated in the Co-operative Act, 1981(Act No.91 of 1981) it shall be sufficient if only the name and postal address of such company, statutory institution or co-operative, as the case may be, the name of each director (if any) thereof and the nature and extent of the financial interest of such company, statutory institution or co-operative are furnished and not also the interests of individual members of such company, statutory institution or co operative]. (Use an annexure)

(b) State the prospective holder’s financial interest in the liquor trade in the Republic and if the applicant is a private company, close corporation, partnership or trust, also of every shareholder, member, partner or beneficiary there-under. (If applicant or the said shareholder, member, partner or beneficiary has no such interest, this fact shall be specifically mentioned)


(Use an annexure where necessary)

(c) If the application relates to a liquor store license or micro-manufacturer’s license, is the prospective holder –

(i) a manufacturer of beer or his agent?

  1. If the application is relates to transfer of a micro-manufacturer’s license-

(a) is the prospective holder a person who-



(b) if the answer to subparagraph (i) is in the affirmative, furnish the details. .……………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(c) State the volume of liquor produced or intended to be produced by the applicant per year……..……………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………

6.Under what name is the business to be conducted? …………………………………..

  1. Will the prospective holder have the right to occupy the premises referred to in paragraph 4 (a) of Part A of the application, including such place on other premises upon which any approval or determination is exercised, for the purposes of the license applied for?

(Mark the applicable square)

I declare or truly affirm that the information furnished in part B of this application in so far as it relates to me or the prospective holder on whose behalf I am authorized to sign is true.

……………………….        …………………………………………………………….

Date                                  Signature of the prospective holder or an authorized person.

I certify that this declaration has been signed and sworn to or affirmed before me at ………………………..this ……… of……………………………………by the prospective holder or an authorized person who acknowledged that-

(i) he or she knows and understands the contents of this declaration;

(ii)he or she has no objection to taking the prescribed oath or affirmation; and

(iii) he or she considers the prescribed oath or affirmation to be binding on his or

her conscience and that he or she uttered the following words:

“I swear that the contents of this declaration are true, so help met God” or “I truly affirm that the contents of this declaration are true”.


Commissioner of Oaths

Full names……………………………………………

Business address……………………………………………………


Area for which appointment is held…………………………

Office held if appointment is ex officio…………………

Download Form 5 for Transfer of Liquor License Application HERE.